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Newton Residents Speak Out In Support of Ken Parker

In response to a recent TAB article about Alderman Parker's prior employer, Newton residents are speaking out at an unprecedented level in the TAB letters page in support of Ken Parker's innovative vision and comprehensive plan for the City.  They are encouraging fellow community members to bring change to Newton by voting for Ken Parker on September 15. 

The Newton TAB has created a dedicated page (click here) for the letters they received this week, and excerpts can be found below.

During the time we served together on the board, Ken and I differed on fundamental issues. But we worked together effectively and amicably, acknowledging our differences and our common ground, too. (When I was stepping off the board, Ken and I docketed together, among other things, an item seeking to create a WiFi coverage program for Newton). In all that time, Ken remained what he is: passionate, ambitious, deeply interested in the fine print (where the problems are), trustworthy and imaginative.

Robert Gerst, Former Alderman, Ward 1

Openness to diverse opinions has been at the core of the Parker campaign, and a synthesis of those opinions forms the cornerstone of Alderman Parker’s campaign platform. As one of his constituents for many years, I have always found Ken Parker to be unusually receptive, responsive and reliable.

Arthur Tischler, Newton Highlands

I grew up in Newton and still follow news from my old home town-as my sister and father still live there. I understand that Ken Parker is running for mayor of Newton, and I’m writing to recommend Ken as an excellent candidate. 

David Kagan, Spring Lane

Ken Parker is the only forward-looking candidate who knows how to run this city.

Don Quinn, Chestnut Hill

The Ken Parker I know is a leader. He has consistently impressed me and everyone around him with his cool head and his innovative spirit. He has, time and time again, demonstrated the maturity to marshal the forces of what has grown into a campaign of hundreds of volunteers and supporters and guide them towards running the best-run campaign this City has seen for a very long time. He has reached out to businesses and schools, across village centers and city corners, and impressed upon all those who will listen to him his maturity, his common sense, and his love of Newton and all those housed within its borders. He will make a great mayor.

Paul Jones, Auburndale

To read why others support Ken Parker's candidacy for Mayor of Newton, please click here.